For the background on why Raw Fairies, why the Mini B Cleanse, check this out
On Monday I started the Raw Fairies Mini B Cleanse, five days of raw, vegan juices and food to help the body ‘detox’. While not a huge fan of the concept of detoxing (I am more inclined to champion a sustainable, daily diet for life) I nevertheless decided to give this one a try.
The first day was a combination of juices, smoothies and food, and to be honest, I felt energized and full throughout the day. Raw Fairies’ sweet spot is in their sauces and dressings. They excel in putting exactly the right amount of each flavour to truly make the food and drink a delight. In addition to the plant nourishment, each day there are a number of large capsules to take at each mealtime, which I suppose is a part of the detox and nutrients needed to sustain oneself on so little. I also learned on day one that each day would be a bit less food, and a bit more juice.
Day two featured a delicious cacoa and banana breakfast shake, a large lunch salad of beetroot and red pepper, and a smaller dinnertime salad, with juices for mid-afternoon and late-evening snacks. After day two, I felt a bit hungry, but it was my headache that really got my attention.
By day three, I felt exhausted. I did have a particularly long day ahead of me, starting with a 7:30am private yoga client, with a further three open level classes taught, finishing at 7:30pm in the evening, and it was because of all this activity that I felt a need to supplement the six 200ml containers provided by Raw Fairies with a supergreen juice at Triyoga (who in my opinion, offer delicious raw, vegan food if overpriced) and a number of Raw Vegan Tacos. By nighttime, I was passed out with an enormous headache by 9:30pm.
I awoke this morning feeling tired, but the headache was gone. Suprisingly, there was more food in my delivery bag, with two green smoothies for breakfast. The lunch salad looks delicious and while the fennel salad looks a little meager, I don’t have a need to be rigid, so long as I stay raw and vegan.
Day five will be another juice and smoothie day, which will complete the ‘cleanse’. I have to admit, I am surprised that I have stuck with it. It hasn’t been too difficult, though the fatigue has been the most unbearable aspect. However, the essence of the food is very good, and I would like to continue with a week of the normal menu, to see if it is shedding a light on a more sustainable way of living and eating on a plant based, raw diet. We all have individual needs, and it would be my hope that any food delivery service would attempt to personalize their service to the best of their ability. Afterall, the meager amount of food received doesn’t come cheap, and my primary interest is in educating myself. It is one thing to dine out at raw vegan cafes and make myself salads, raw hummous sandwiches on store-bought raw bread, but another to concoct delicious and nutritive meals day after day in my own kitchen. Any company that could educate through example would be doing the world a huge service.