Having finished both Module Three of the Rolfing training late this afternoon and conducting nanny interviews this evening, I am eager to get my yoga challenge (and life) back on track. I will resume tomorrow at the Life Centre, Notting Hill, with Katrina Repka’s class.
It has been nearly two years since I have practiced with Katrina, and even though I enjoyed her classes at the time, there has been one small thing that has prevented me actively seeking her out more regularly.
Nevertheless, after three days off my mat, I am eager to resume my practice and excited to bring a fresh perspective with me.
My new nanny is due to start on Tuesday. By the end of the week (finger’s crossed) I will have more of a weekly schedule for the remainder of the challenge so that if you’d like to join me in class you will know where to find me! I hope to make it to Alchemy, Blue Cow, Yotopia, among other studios, before the challenge is over!